Well, it's winding down.........Can you feel it?
We have my final child's open house this week, my sophomore starts finals in a few days, and confirmation is almost over...........
There are year end school projects, summer school classes to finalize and plane tickets to purchase for my firstborn......Can't wait to get him home...........
I finally put up my D.I.Y. solar shades on Saturday.......I don't actually know if its cooler inside the house but it certainly is darker......If it does, in fact, keep our a/c bills down then it will be worth it. If not, they will not be going back up next year..........
We are all more than anxious for school to be over......... ..FINALLY..........and to take things down a notch or two for the next handful of summer days.....The sunshine has been beautiful here lately, not relentless yet, but those days are coming.........
It's hard to believe another year is almost in the rear view mirror, again...........It's true what they say about time......The older you get, the faster it goes............But every year, about this time in May, we anticipate and yearn for long summer days............They are just a stone's throw away now.........I see the light ahead..........
The funny thing is.........those slow, long summer days never really do get here before its time to start this whole thing over again......
But I know, in the not so far off future, that these are the days I will miss most.....When all my children are here with me, filling my days with laundry, unbearable anxiety, and my purpose in life........I will miss those annoying eye-rolls.......The last minute, "but I need it tonight" requests.......The joyful dinners filled with conversation that last no more than 4 minutes..........Sibling love banter(that's the nice way of saying that)..........School plays, school awards, teacher conferences, back-to-school night, open house, confirmation parent nights, teacher appreciation week, teacher luncheons, magazine drives, cookie dough fund raisers, pointsettia fundraisers, dinner auctions, canned good drives, book drives, turkey dinner baskets, Christmas angel trees, secret Santa's, valentines, filling out endless school forms, permission slips, report cards and field trip slips...........I seriously think I could still name more......
I'm exhausted..........
Even still, as much as these drive me nuts, I know I will miss them, ugly cry miss them.........
I will be thankful tonight, as I close my eyes, and thank God for my blessings...........For the joys that the gifts of motherhood has brought.........For all the blood, sweat and tears that go with it.........For every single second of it that I would not want to think of my life without............It my purpose here on earth, to be a Mom and a wife...........It's the only thing I really ever wanted to be.............
How lucky am I?.....................