Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Feet Were Made for Walking..........

Can't you just hear this song in your head?

I am not even sure who sang it but I am sure that it probably reveals my age............

I have mentioned before that I am thoroughly enjoying a new on-line bible study this year.  

She Reads Truth......

You can enjoy it here: She Reads Truth

We began the book of Jonah yesterday..........

This book automatically makes me visualize the movie Pinocchio.......its the whale thing......

I miss the meaning of this entire book, so often, because I just keep thinking about Jonah in the belly of that whale..........

Today, we focused on a few brief verses in the beginning of the chapter......How God asks Jonah to go preach to the naughty Ninevites about their wicked ways......

What is Jonah's knee-jerk reaction??  To cut and run, of course........

Can't you easily relate to Jonah's reaction?  Can't you just hear him talking to God, or maybe just under his breath, "You want me to do what?" (muffled exasperation) "You want me to go where and talk to whom?"........

Jonah says to himself,  "NO WAY!!!! NO HOW!!!!".......

Can you blame him?

How many times have I been so uncomfortable, surprised or even shocked when God presents something to me in my life that I just cannot wrap my small, human brain around?........

My knee-jerk reaction?...........Same as Jonah........NO WAY! NO HOW!

I have a million reasons, too.......I am waaaayyyyy to busy to commit to that.......I am too afraid to do that.........I am too uncomfortable to do that.......I like what I am doing now.......I don't want to change anything right now........I will TRY to do that, but sometime later........I cannot afford that financial or emotional risk right now........

I have a million more EXCUSES that I create as obstacles between what I want and what God may want or ask me.........I really don't do it on purpose, either........My entire goal in life is to walk with God as closely bound to his side as I possibly can.......

So why do I do this?  Why is my first reaction so Jonah-esque?........

Certainly fear......Not completely trusting God........My own selfish desires or comforts........

I pray to be more receptive and more reactionary and decisive when I hear God today........

I pray that I have more courage to place my life, completely, in his hands............That's the only place I desire to be.......

I pray that I have the courage, not to flee FROM Gods requests, but TO them.........

I pray that if He asks me to wipe the dust from my feet, strap my boots on and keep walking, that I will be faithful enough to obey........

Friday, March 7, 2014

De Profundis Clamavit ad the Domine!..................

"Out of the depths I cry to You, oh Lord!"........Psalm 130

Haven't we all been here..........with our arms desperately outstretched towards the Heavens, pleading for our Father's grace and mercy?

I know I have.......

"I cry....
You forgive us.....
So we can serve You.
My hope......
I wait......
For full redemption."

I paraphrased this verse, trying to pull out the words that came off the page........

The message is so clear, isn't it?......We confess our sins from the depths of our souls.....and our God hears our pleas, our sorrows.......and He forgives us so that we may fully, with clean and clear hearts, serve Him.........That's were we must be to truly embrace Him and His purpose for our lives.......

This Psalm is a preparation for confession........       

This would be a wonderful scripture to begin each morning with Him.........a way to humble ourselves before Him as we open our eyes and hearts to a new day.......everyday we are reborn and renewed......We know that He will not fail us....That his promises and gifts of grace and forgiveness
are awaiting us........His love is ours to redeem........Jesus, is our promise of that forgiveness..........

The desperation is so clear in these words.......The genuinely deep, sorrowful voice, hoping, praying and waiting for God to place his gentle hand to our cheek, "I forgive you, child.......I love you".........

Can't you just imagine what God's hand feels like against our skin?............

Do you allow your heart to truly invite God's forgiveness so that you may serve Him with a clean heart and a clear conscience?

I don't know about you but sometimes I am so much less I should be.........In my thoughts, my words and my actions.......In actions I am conscious of, and actions that I am not........

But I know that I am loved..........There is no better comfort than that certainty........the promise that God forgives me and He loves me, even still.........

Repeat this Psalm this morning, in the quiet spaces of your soul........or out loud, reading these words with soulful intent.........

And embrace Gods gifts of grace and love with confidence and certainty.........

You are "So Loved"...........John 3:16

Yes, you are!..........


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When Christians have Conflicts............

It's so confusing isnt it?..........

As Christians, we claim to be faithful people........Constanting seeking righteousness and an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior.........

Hopefully, have our heads and our hearts in THE book and our knees bent in submission, daily..........

We are attending church, sharing our time and talents, serving our brothers and sisters, especially those in need...........

This goes without saying, am I right?................

So far, so good............

Is it not completely and dumbfoundedly the most troubling experience when fellow church members find themselves in conflict with each other?...........

It's heartbreaking.........

We are called, as Chrisitans, to a higher standard........"To love one another" are some of the most important words and teachings that Jesus ever taught us..........

Yes, we are also called to seek justice and act boldly, as we walk this journey........

But ultimately, it's about love, right?..........

And we are all sinners........We all fall short of these teachings multiple times throughout our day.......In thought and word and deed.......In things we have done and things we have left undone...........

So the difficulty presents itself when we are not loving and ungodly in the way we treat each other....... do we respond to a brother or sister in Christ who is immune to their behavior, their intentions and their agendas?..............

How can we "lovingly" respond to these transgressions and bring light to the individual?..........

The bible calls us to handle it first, by sitting with this person, lovingly, patiently trying to resolve the conflict directly..........

If this does not bring resolution, we are called to bring in a third party, a mediator of sorts for help.......

If this still does not bring a solution, we are called to share it with our church, with love, truth and a humble heart..........

And even then, God may have a different plan......

He may allow the chaos, the seemingly shady undertows, for a bigger purpose.......A better purpose........

But it's still painful, hurtful and ultimately so confusing........

Especially when these are elders and leaders of the church..........

But they are no less human than I am and I know they make the same mistakes I do.........


So we work hard to patiently bridge these gaps and faults between us.......and with prayer, study and self-control, we keep trying to walk in truth and transparency...........

We try to remain open so that the love of God will continue to shape and mold our hearts and our spirits into whom He wants us to be and become.......

That's the key here........

We must be willing to keep our eyes on Him,

On the Sparrow.......

Because I know he watches me..........

And especially today, as we mark the beginning of Lent, may we remind ourselves that we are all dust......

May we focus on Jesus and the suffering he endured FOR us!  

May we fill our hearts today with that amazing, generous and whole gift of love.......

May we thank Jesus by re-gifting that same love to others..........