Its been a few days since I posted. My daughter started her cold on Wednesday and I am denying the coming of mine today.
The garage project is coming along and I will blog about that and show you when its complete. Hopefully, I will feel well enough to get it finally finished this week. I am excited to share it!
Our family crisis has not reached an outcome as of yet. I will share that with you also, when I can. I am not looking forward to that blog post but if it can help another family in that situation, then that's why God allowed it.
My little Mom is doing pretty well, today. For her, its a daily battle and each day brings different challenges. She is currently reading the gospel and it really is an answered prayed for me. Hopefully she now knows she is never alone, especially during this illness. I also pray that it eases any fears about what will happen to her beyond this life. I think it has brought her great comfort and for that I am truly thankful. I only wished we would have time to share our faith together, over the years. The gift to share that, no matter how much time we have left together, is absolutely precious to me. My Dad did not think she would see September. So this precious, "extra" time, is truly a gift I was pretty certain I would not receive. I never gave up hoping for it, but in my heart I didn't think I would ever receive it! But our heavenly Father knows the deepest desires of our hearts and I am certain He knew this one. Praise God for His sweetness and unending love for us!
Hope your Saturday was healthy spent with those who are precious to you!
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