This is my firstborn, when he was only months from the safe haven of my belly......
Oh how I wish I could keep him that close to me and always safe and within reach....
Tonight he is at a concert in Portland seeing one of his favorite groups, Coldplay. We gave him these tickets for his birthday, early, because they were going to be close enough to school so he could see them live.......
I know he will have a blast but I am sure it will be another sleepless night until I know he is safely back in his dorm room tomorrow afternoon....
I remember my first concert, Berlin, at the Greek Theatre. I was completely in awe that night. Seeing a band live for the first time only feet from me.......It was sensory overload......the sounds coming from that stage were so immense I could hardly hear the person next to me. The bass sounds were pounding deep within my chest......the lighted stage was a visual delight, moving, flashing and sweeping over the stage and audience.......and the audience!!! I was blown away by all those people!!! So many people came from so many places to hear this band play!! I imagined what that must have feet like to the band! My mind was racing!!! And of course, the smells that were unfamiliar to me until that night. It didn't even occur to me until days later what that unusual aroma was.....
I love concerts. I don't go to many anymore. But we are a family who enjoys the arts and I am so glad my children have grown up to not only appreciate them but live them as well.
This firstborn of mine is pursuing a degree in music performance with an emphasis in studio guitar.
I couldn't be more proud of him and could listen to him play his guitar(s) and/or the piano as long as he is willing to play them. He's amazing!
Do you remember your first concert???
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