Thursday, April 5, 2012

Remember who you are and Whose you are....

When you leave through the front doors of my home you see this:

It says "Remember who you are and Whose you are..." I hope it is a reminder to my family and friends to remember they are a child of God, wherever they go....

Today we celebrate Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper Jesus would have with his disciples.  This is heavy on my heart today.  I have always found this church service extremely moving...I can feel the symbolism deep in my heart, visualizing Jesus washing the feet of his disciples that day before he would begin to explain to them what was about to transpire, in Him, through Him and to them......
What is most heavy on my heart today is trying to imagine what the weight of the world's sins must have felt like to Jesus....How could he possibly carry the weight of these sins on His shoulders....I know he trusted the Lord completely and had time to pray and reflect on what was to come...but did His humanness allow him to feel fear?  Was he scared?  Did ever feel like he could not accomplish was what set before Him??

This makes me think about my Mom, too....Not in the sense of bearing the sins of the world but in the reality of knowing the end was/is near.  It is terribly painful to watch someone wrestle with those realities.  Its very scary, even when we can trust that Jesus is there, in heaven, waiting, with out-stretched arms to embrace us.  Our humanness makes us have moments of fear, doubt and even disbelief that we will make it to our eternal home, walking with Jesus at our side....with no pain, with all our questions answered and our hearts desiring only to be with Him....

Sometimes the burdens of life seem just too difficult to carry... the days impossible to endure....the struggles and the unknown making the air too thin to breathe....

But today I can fill my heart with this Man who came for each one of us, who wants nothing more for His trials then for us to follow Him....and He doesn't ever stop whispering in our ears, " I am here to take carry these burdens for you" because .....
YOU are "SO LOVED"......

May you remember today, to give your burdens to Him... and most of all that you are perfect and you are loved.......

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