Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Hatchlings and the Nest......

The empty nest syndrome....

When you get to be my age you begin to be asked life questions which proclaim to your immortal self, that you are in fact OLD!  Your "glory" days are probably in your rear view mirror, and your "golden" years are right around the corner.

I have three hatchlings, my firstborn, my freshman and my final.  My firstborn flew the coup this past fall for the University of Oregon.

So the latest, most popular inquiry is "How is it?"......."What's it like without him?".........

My husband and I, having almost completed the first year, can still hardly get the words out without quivering chins or breaking out in a downpour of sweat...

Its very, very difficult.........

This adult child, my very first child......the first child who called me "Mom"........the child I prayed for my whole life.......the one I didn't know if I would ever have......the one I had to inject myself with a boat load of hormones to conceive.......

the one my heart aches for.....

Its such a strange feeling when your hatchlings have been with you 18 years, and then one day live somewhere else......a different state perhaps.......they sleep in a different food from unknown menus.......get sick for the first time without nursing care....

He is still so much a part of the home nest.......we left his place mat at his usual place at our table....

and we worry, oh how we worry.......

We count down the days until he comes home.......(about 45)......

I hope we are better at this by the time my next hatchling, my freshman, begins flight school........This one is already trying to stretch his wings and is intently watching his older brother's navigation of university life.......

We have three years left with him.......that comes out to about 1,215 days.....

but whose counting????

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