Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's all about the car.......

Today was a day all about the car.....

When I purchased this car it was completely about necessity rather than style, comfort or design.

I picked the color and the DVD player for the kids and therefore my own sanity as I parade them to and from daily activities.....

Fast forward 8 years since the purchase of my current vehicle....the "tire guy" says its time to look at something new...... Apparently my car's days are numbered....

So the question is now, do I trade it in now while it still has some value or wait until it completely goes "kaput"???

I am so not a good car shopper.  My husband won't let me go near a car lot until I am exactly sure about what I want and even then i do not have permission to speak.....
You see, I'm not much of a wheeler and dealer...I'm not a hard sell......I'm not good at the game of bartering.....
I need to get something affordable, something that will endure for many years and get incredible gas mileage.....I'm thinking a Hybrid but some of them are pricey and don't get much better mileage than a small car....

I take for granted how much I rely on my automobile.....
How often I get in it, without thinking, fully expecting it to take me to my destination unconditionally....

It was indeed all about my car today, but I am taking a moment to be grateful for the ability to own a car, healthy enough to drive it and blessed enough to have small, familiar hitchhikers in the back seat depending on me to take them anywhere......

I am automotively thankful.......

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