Over the past ten years, our two older children attend a school with a week in February titled "Ski Week".............
My third and final child attends our local public school that does not have the same week off......
For the past 10 years we have been taking her out of school for 1-3 of those days during "Ski Week" so that together, as a family, we could spend some much needed time together.........Away from any outside pressures, academics or stress.......just have a couple days of much needed quality time......A Snow Day or two if you will........
My daughter is in the 7th grade this year, and again, we took our much needed few days of family time together...............She needs this, we all do......
The school mailed a very disturbing letter regarding these "unexcused" three days off last month....
I am incensed and disappointed by this.......I have had children at this school for the past ten years.......
I am a tax payer.....My daughter is doing well in all her classes...... We arranged our absence with all her teachers more than a month prior....... Is this unreasonable? She is not chronically absent.....we do this once per year!!!!
Is it necessary to send a harassing letter to parents for telling the truth about a family trip? It would be "excused" if I would have lied and said she was sick.......But I always told the truth about it when I called in her absence.........
Is this system, that I pay for, encouraging dishonesty? Is this just about money and the fact that my daughter's seat will not be counted for those three days and therefore not funded?
What is the public school system coming to? Especially in California?
I am seriously considering an alternative education for my daughter.........privately or from home.....Public schools are no longer spending OUR money and OUR time dedicated to educating our children but rather the broken-down, bureaucratic politics of funding policy and union-driven stipulations.......
Families should be granted a few personal days for mental health, for family health, or whatever health.....for rolling around in the snow together.......
I feel a blizzard coming, don't you.........
Calling all snow angels.............
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