Sunday, April 28, 2013

Who Needs Botox........

With a face like this...........

Who needs Botox!!!

This is our beloved Sadie....

She is soon to meet a full decade.......

That is 70 in dog years....

She couldn't be any sweeter, have more wrinkles and loose, saggy skin!!

A face only her family could adore.......

She is ungraceful, snores like a truck driver and barely has a waistline.....

And her very favorite thing to do in the whole world is hold hands.......

And when she smiles......oh, when she smiles......

She really does have the whole wide world in her hands.......

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Theory of Mind.........

Today I realize how little I really understand about the complexities of the mind.......

Sometimes relationships can be continuously difficult. Sometimes we resolve that issue by labeling that person just "difficult".......

But I am learning how differently we interpret situations, thoughts and feelings......

Just how many layers are involved in one action, one event or one short conversation.

I long to understand how others think, resolve issues and interpret others. I am learning so much about myself in this process, too.....

What comes easy to some, does not to everyone..... What concepts seem obvious to grasp are not always so transparent to others......

The mind is vastly complicated........ It is even more complicated in its relationship to the heart.... To feelings, emotions, and perceptions.........

It's quite amazing and even more surprising that any of us can relate to each other at all......

We are truly wondrous beings.......

I am in awe of my Heavenly Father and this creation he named human.......

I am blessed to have a healthy mind that longs to learn......

I am thankful to have a heart that beats in rhythm, one after the other, without thought, consistently seeking love.....

I am graced with relationships that teach me to go deeper, to find new understanding, and to always seek connection and validation.........

May you take the time today to find understanding in a "difficult" person or situation....

May you always seek to find the connection between the heart and mind..........

Monday, April 22, 2013

In the Final Stretch............

It's almost here..........

With the temperature unusually hot the past couple days, my heart is longing for Summer.

The kids splashed in the pool yesterday as I put a new cover on our shade tent.

I will need to get busy cleaning all the pool and patio chairs soon......

I have already begun my list of Summer projects, most of which will never be done......

I have two nephews graduating next month, one from high school and one from college.......

I am so ready for school to end and have several weeks to breathe a little.......

Spend some much need time with my children and husband........

Some time to refresh and renew my body and mind.........

To prepare for next year........

It never ends, thank goodness..........

But it certainly feels good to know there is a brief reprieve to the everyday chaos.......

With age comes wisdom......

I have learned by now that there are no such things as "slow days of summer".......

I keep hoping every year they will gracefully appear.......

But I am still waiting.........

Summer has its own busy flow of activities yet its still different and welcomed......

It's almost here...........


Friday, April 19, 2013

Triumphant in Boston!!

.......and in the end, the righteous prevail.

.......the united people of the new world stand together.

.......justice rises above all evils.

.......America remains faithful to protect its freedoms and its people.

.......we are once again, victorious!!!

Boston, our hearts rejoice with you tonight and celebrate your hard work and dedication.
We are so proud of you and incredibly thankful to be part of this great country!!
God Bless you tonight and the mornings ahead as you rise to meet a new day!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And Then God Created Women.......

What a week........

The world has lost three notably inspiring women.....Margaret Thatcher, Annette Funicello, and Lily Pulitzer.

I am not a fact, I love being a women, not equal or unequal to my counterpart. Created entirely unique from a man...... To compliment him, to partner with him, to be his companion.

To love him........

But I admire these three women for their strength, their outspokenness, their courage to be a leader, their drives and talents, and their creativity to reinvent themselves for the sake of others.....

Over the years I have enjoyed reading about them, being entertained by them and even dressed by them......

I am encouraged by them to believe in myself, to act boldly, and to always expect the unexpected.......

Strength, dreams come true and the tenacity to move forward sometimes change the world.......

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cupcake Madness............ sophomore's spring musical, Footloose, was a HUGE success!

I know I have said this every year, but I continue to be amazed by the hard work and dedication that goes into these productions. It really does "take a village" and a collaboration of creative, tireless, selfless human beings to pull these off.....

I am so appreciative and even more thankful for this endeavor.........

It was so much fun!!! week with cupcakes.......

Here are the baskets made for presentation:

And here are the final, packaged bundles of yum.......

I separated the flavors by song title, "Lets Hear It For The Boys", "Almost Paradise", and "Footloose".......

The final count totaled more than 450. They were so much fun to make and so much fun to finally be done with!!!

Couldn't have done it without the unending support of my biggest fan and perfect half, my wise husband..........

So, I am "kickin off my Sunday shoes" and taking a little spring break time with my final child this week............

No cupcakes, PLEASE.................

Oh and a final note........I may have a shot at winning my family NCAA bracket!!!!

OH YEAH.............( Go Louisville!)