Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Theory of Mind.........

Today I realize how little I really understand about the complexities of the mind.......

Sometimes relationships can be continuously difficult. Sometimes we resolve that issue by labeling that person just "difficult".......

But I am learning how differently we interpret situations, thoughts and feelings......

Just how many layers are involved in one action, one event or one short conversation.

I long to understand how others think, resolve issues and interpret others. I am learning so much about myself in this process, too.....

What comes easy to some, does not to everyone..... What concepts seem obvious to grasp are not always so transparent to others......

The mind is vastly complicated........ It is even more complicated in its relationship to the heart.... To feelings, emotions, and perceptions.........

It's quite amazing and even more surprising that any of us can relate to each other at all......

We are truly wondrous beings.......

I am in awe of my Heavenly Father and this creation he named human.......

I am blessed to have a healthy mind that longs to learn......

I am thankful to have a heart that beats in rhythm, one after the other, without thought, consistently seeking love.....

I am graced with relationships that teach me to go deeper, to find new understanding, and to always seek connection and validation.........

May you take the time today to find understanding in a "difficult" person or situation....

May you always seek to find the connection between the heart and mind..........

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