Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Bite Out of the Ole Stomping Grounds.........

My husband and middle child are touring the Big Apple this week........They are touring some colleges, seeing a broadway show and have tickets to Jimmy Fallon.......I'm so envious......

My husband lived in the big city before we were married.......He loved it there but once we were married he knew he did not want to raise a family there.......He wanted to be near family and that is one of the reasons I love him so much.......

I asked him if he misses it and he says the jury is still out on that.....

It is so hard to believe that my middle child is already college touring......Seems like yesterday when my firstborn was on this journey........Where does the time go........I see Father Time in the wrinkles on my face but somehow, even as my boys have far surpassed my height, they still seem like they should fit right underneath the crook of my armpit.........right next to my heart.........

They are still next to my heart even though they definitely don't fit in the crook of my armpit anymore and my final child is fast approaching her exit from that space........ I am so grateful to be on this adventure with them.........I have enjoyed every milestone with my firstborn as he went through this process........I love watching them process all the options regarding their choices for colleges and study majors........I love hearing them think-out-loud as they weigh the pros and cons of this next chapter in their lives........

Hoping you are "taking a bite" out of wherever you find yourself this week.......enjoying the journey!

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