It's a new school year........
My middle child began his junior year of high school today........
I am excited for this child of mine......for the hopeful prospects that this year presents.......prayerful for his strength, for his tenacity to stay above what he has left behind, for Gods love to continue to heal and penetrate his purpose.......
As we sat around the dinner table downloading the information of the day, I couldn't help but take in the echos of these small, intimate "dinner" conversations.....
These moments are the blood in my veins, they remind me of just how unbelievablely blessed I am......
It's no secret that the big dreams of my life were to be a wife and a mother..........just that........those we were my big aspirations........
And today, as I sat around my table, breaking bread with my family, thanking my Lord for the blessing of His gifts, I am reminded.....again......that He has answered those very prayers, those childhood hopes.......
I am a wife and a mother.......
And together we share love for each other and for our father in heaven who so graciously, so lovingly, so wonderously hears our prayers........
And some of them.........of His design...........
He answers..........
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