“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; . . . who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” —Theodore Roosevelt
I love this quote........
I think about it when I find myself in the presence of people who are quick to judge.........
I hope I have modeled to my children that I am a doer.........That I am not afraid to do the real work....the hard work, even if it doesn't turn out how I hoped.......be it emotional or physical.....Even if, to others, my fruitless attempts were not worthy of the doing......
I hope my children see the example my husband and I have tried to model about "showing up" and "giving it everything you've got".......because what else is there, really?.........
Everyday we wake up, most days before the sun, and begin again........doing the same thing over again, perhaps in new ways, with new ideas, with new visions.......
But the work is the same.......
Many times it feels like three steps forward and two steps back......sometimes visa versa.............
But what I hope they see is that we will NEVER give up........
It is our Father's love for us and the gifts of this life that drive us.........
Our children are those precious gifts..........
And the drive is bred out of the love and thankfulness for this life and those gifts......to love Him and them.......together.......always........
All three of our children work hard and have embraced the gifts and talents God has given them.....
My firstborn is learning the tenacity it takes to stay focused, to stay on the path to get to the finish line.......
He's learning to reach deep inside, to self sacrifice for a bigger goal......
I am proud of him for his intrinsic desire to finish strong.....no matter what it takes.....
My middle child is learning resistance........learning that instant gratification never leads to true happiness......he is learning that strengthening his conviction will lead to greater success........that success takes daily organization and daily tending...........
I am proud of his creativity and his leadership..........I am proud of his willingness to recreate himself and die to his old ideas and be made new.........
My youngest child has lived hard work in a way that I will never know.........She lives her life like a soldier, winning war after war.......battle after battle........against the odds........
She desperately wants to accomplish greatness........and in so many ways, she has summitted unbelievable adversity........and continues to soldier on............
We are only as great as the work we do.........the fear we face.........the obstacles we hurdle over.........
At the end of the day, as we wipe our brows and lay our bodies down for the night, we meet the next day with the same intent.......
To serve God, to love with our whole hearts, to live thankfully in all things.......
To be doers in this life, focused on living in the fullness of our hearts and bodies.......
To feel the marrow of our bones ache with a hard days work........
To love with our entire being.......
To demonstrate thankfulness.......
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