Sunday, September 8, 2013

Your Lantern Light..........

We had a sermon this morning that has been sitting in my heart all day.......

It was the story of a wealthy man who wanted to build a church........

He wouldn't allow anyone to see the plans or to go inside until it was absolutely complete.......

When that day came, the people folded in and were in awe of what they experienced.......The church was a feast for the eyes.......It was not only stunning to look at but had everything you could imagine........there wasn't a detail left out........

And as they took in the beauty of that place they noticed that there were lanterns in every seat of the church.........

Perplexed, they asked "Why?"..........

And the wealthy man answered...."Everytime you come to church, I want you to bring a lit lantern.  It will symbolize the light that every single member brings to this church.  When you do not come to church, there will be noticeable darkness.  God notices when you are not here.  The church depends on the light of every member to keep it alive and bright."

I loved this........

I can picture that beautiful church in my mind.........I can picture the journey to that church with my lit lantern in hand.........I can see the glow of the lantern light as I walk through its sanctuary doors......

It's beautiful imagery of the way we work together.........

My husband and I are wrestling with some questions lately about our own church........

We have been seeking counsel and knowledge as we try and make the best decision for ourselves and for our family..........

My husband's family has a long history in this church which has an impact on his loyalty and devotion to his foundational teachings........

My family has a long history in another denomination but I decided to convert before marriage to his......

We are currently at a crossroads of where God is leading us........

But are prayerful and certain He will lead us home.......

With our lanterns in hand, we continue to walk this journey with God as our guide........

I long to open the doors of that place, where my lantern illuminates and flickers in unity with my brothers and sisters......

Where, together, the light and the warm of that place fill my soul and bring me peace......

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

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