Friday, October 18, 2013

Shake the Dust From Your Sandals.....

Sometimes......during the month of October, my heart aches for that small child inside my heart..,.,

October is the birthday month of my Father-in-Law and my own father.....I assume thats why......

And the thoughts about him don't nest, but they occassionally fly overhead, breifly......

As my own three, precious children continue to grow and blossom before my eyes, so does my love for them......

Its unfathomable what drives the soul of a human being to live in a world, their own bizarre space, that completely denies their children's existance......

I will never understand it.....and this confusion multiplies as my Mom-heart keeps growing and expanding with the gifts and blessings of my children... 

What I have learned through this experience, is that biology doesn't make a family......Love does......perhaps that's why I am an adoptive parent.....  

I will never be able to love the wondrous ways my Heavenly Father loves me....but I sure try......every single day.....

And I hope that's the legacy I leave my own children......I cannot leave them earthly riches or promises of health or even a life without heartache.....

But i think they do know how much I love them, no matter what comes...,,i am here, right here, walking the journey with them, wherever they matter what the road ahead looks like.......rugged or smooth, straight or winding, wide or narrow, uphill or down......right here......right here.......

And i have long dusted the dirt from my sandals and journeyed forward......,there is no other way......

I choose to live my life in thankfulness for God's love and grace....,,knowing He is my creator and He is here..,,,right here.......right here.......


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