We were privileged to observe her pony have his "teeth floated".............It was quite the experience.....
Yup.....More pony procedures........
Our pony had a Gastroscope last week and he was completely cleared of any ulcers........Completely healthy pony gut.........Yaaaaaaaa!
So we changed his food a bit and and discovered that ponies who do not live in the wild can have some teeth issues........
Ponies, normally, roam and graze freely.......They eat lots of wild grasses and even some roots......
Recreational equines are usually feed 2-3 times per day and eat a variety of hay and grain......
My daughter and I recently learned that horses' teeth continually grow......So in the wild, because of constant feeding and grinding, their teeth stay at a manageable length...
But stabled horses need to have their teeth filed on occasion to keep them from growing too long...... Having sharp, uncomfortable points on their teeth can make proper chewing and grinding difficult and even painful.....Therefore they cannot easily digest their food......Thus, TUMMY ACHES!......
So we are hopeful that his "floating" will enable him to properly chew and digest his food and have a happy belly for many months to come.......
Cheers, to happy pony bellies!!!!!
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