Sunday, December 8, 2013

And So It Is.........

Well, it's Sunday and not much to report here at the WiseAcre..........

The house is mostly decorated aside from the tree and the Christmas table.......

The Christmas Cookie list is complete and cookie tins have been packaged, boxed and addressed for mailing......

A few more gifts left to pick up and wrap.....but the majority is completed.......

R.S.V.P.'d for Christmas Eve gathering.........

Firstborn child is midway through finals, middle child begins final reviews this week, final child begins finals next week.......

And in the midst of these tasks, a second candle of Advent was enjoyed tonight at dinner time, reminding me of the ultimate Peace in the coming birth of Jesus.......

No matter how hopeless and stressful and out-of-control things feel lately, not just in the holidays, I am once again reminded that my focus needs to be adjusted, realigned to the celebration of this coming "Wonderful Counselor".......

This "Prince of Peace".......

And it's easy to get lost in the preparations of "Christmas" the's so simple to drown in the festivities and the tasks that come with's almost inevitable to succumb to the "stuff" and the "gifts" and the "things" that surround it......

And I get lost.......I get spun around like the drum of a washing machine, going round and round, stuck on the edges, dizzy with responsibilities........

And my heart, as much as it loves to gift, gets caught up in the expectations of it all......the unattainable perfection of the decorations, the food, the gifts and the gatherings.......

As so it is Advent......the time to prepare for the birth of this sweet, innocent child........whom this desperate world awaits.........who will come to teach us, to love us and to make the ultimate selfless sacrifice so that we may have eternal life.....with Him.......

And I know that He does not care about the cookies that I make, or the decorations in or on the house, or the gifts under my tree.......

What He longs for is my time with Him......that is where I will find all the perfection that I seek......all the satisfactions of finding the perfect gifts......that is where I will find all the expectations met.......

In His arms, spending time with Him.......seeking Him, knowing Him, walking with Him......

Loving Him........

And so it is........

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