A moveable feast, indeed.......
Today we celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.......
Traditionally, we celebrate this with the leaves of palm trees to commemorate that day. The people of Jerusalem laid branches of palm leaves down on the road in which Jesus would humbly arrive on the back of a donkey........
The donkey was symbolic for peace.......
It was a great celebration that day with anticipation for this Prince of Peace.....
Shouts of joy were amplified in the streets and beautiful hymns were sung as Jesus arrived.....
Wherever you are today......May you patiently await Jesus' arrival........
May we praise Him and sing to Him as we yearn for His presence among us........
May we lay our own branches down in the road to humbly anticipate his coming.....
May the celebration of Jesus arrival bring your heart joy, love and hope!
I share today with you and with those who love us in Jesus' triumphant entry to our salvation. Jesus is our strength and our comfort!