Hello blogger world! Yeah, I know, it's been eons........
And as "they" say, whoever THEY are, everything and not much has changed....
Some things have finally been put to rest......My Mom finally, heroically lost her 4 year battle with lung cancer 9 months ago. She passed peacefully, on her own terms. I think she felt empowered to make her own final decisions. I think she felt in charge and also dignified in her decisions. I think she was depleted and exhausted to fight one more day. Throughout her life she taught me so much about being strong, physically and emotionally. And in the end, these lessons continued and I am left thankful and in awe of her capacity to endure, to sustain, and to soldier on.........
So thats one of my everything's.....it's a different world without a parent in it. There have been a couple times when I thought I saw her. There have been times when I have heard her laugh in a crowd. There have been times I wish I could talk to her......
The requests for healing for my son.......they continue.......It's been an ugly battle. A devastating war. A relentless struggle that continues much in the same way since I left you here.......We have tried every angle, every expert, the best we can possibly afford.........I honestly there are times when I believe he is worse off then he was the last time I wrote here......
So..........the prayers continue..........as I white-knuckle "hope"..........
and.......in the next month or two, my husband and I will have to sell our forever home.......
It's heart wrenching.........
It's been a pretty dark year......right up until the final days.......
And 2016 will certainly bring us to our knees (even though I thought we were already there!)........
But, as my tattoo reminds me......
I am....."So Loved".......
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