Sunday, February 26, 2012

By Still Waters.............

While we await these trials to pass, I have been intentional and so hyper-sensitive in my relationships.  I am trying to pay close attention to my words, my family's words and the words of everyone who walks this journey with me.  Today, my Pastor's sermon was about Lent and what changes we were making in our lives, our church lives or the world.  She explained that if we made one simple change, what an impact that chain reaction would cause......just one simple change.
I have thought about that today, about the changes I have experienced in the last several months........the healing of a significant broken relationship, letting go of a college bound firstborn, a possible new diagnosis of my final child, devastating financial struggles, the long answered prayer of a family member asking for a relationship with Jesus........and of course, my current family trials (I will write about this later).  I hope that with all the chaos, welcome and unwelcome, I can remember to trust God's plan through it all.  To not let the fear or the stress of the unknown keep me from finding God's quiet peaceful voice that tells me I am His own and I am "so loved"........
I am trying to find moments to sit by still waters and just breathe and know that God is walking right beside me every step of the way.....

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