Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Re purposing......

Today, in the midst of our families crisis, I decided to redirect my brain and try and find a creative outlet.  This has always served me during times of stress.  I find it very healing to find the quiet time to process situations and analyze my thoughts and feelings.  A few months ago we decided to re purpose our 2 car garage into an area my musician firstborn could retreat to when he was home on his various college breaks.    
Fortunately, we really aren't pack rats so organizing the garage clutter to make room for this space wasn't difficult.  The painting was almost finished before our recent family crisis, however everything has been on hold for several days.  So today, I was back down in our garage and decided to paint a meaningful quote on the coffee table we decided to re purpose for the space.  Its so hard to see but here is the quote my freshman cut, layed out, and traced....
We are currently painting what he traced and will post a final photo when we are done.
Here is the what the garage currently looks like:
and like this:
Hopefully, when we are all done, it will be a place that is both inviting and comfortable.  

Today is also the beginning of Lent. A day to begin the next several weeks of reflection.  In my world, I used to always hear the question "What are you giving up?"....but I have always shared with my children that it can also be a time of committing to something.  Committing to daily bible study, committing to a certain time of prayer,  daily devotions or family devotions.  Whatever your traditions are,  I hope that these 40 days leading up to the day of our risen Lord are ones leading you to a closer relationship with Him.  A time for personal reflection and deep meditation.  Trying to remove all the temptations that keep us from daily time with our heavenly Father....I hope that in the next 40 days you find some time to "re-purpose" time, intention or even a garage!!

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