Saturday, March 31, 2012

The "Triumphal Entry".....

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday.  I am thinking about what it would have been like to actually be there in the city of Jerusalem, seeing Jesus riding in on a donkey (the symbol of peace).....Can you imagine it?  Waving the huge palm branch you went all the way to Jericho to purchase just for Jesus' arrival.  The palm branch that had such deep symbolic meaning to the Jewish people in Jesus' day.  The palms were symbols of victory and triumph. Laying down your cloak and covering someones path was an ancient eastern custom to show the highest honor. 

With a heart full of hope and promise that Jesus would deliver them from their Roman enemies, they shouted "Hosanna" translated "Please save us!"....Can you hear it?
You can almost feel the energy of the joyful crowd, standing, singing and shouting shoulder to shoulder, anticipating this Prince of Peace..
Do you think they had doubts that their hero would come?  Doubts that he would, indeed deliver them and bring peace to the whole world? Was this human man really the messiah?

What an amazing day that must have been...What a greeting....Jesus must have felt very loved and welcomed.  He must have been able to see the desperation in the crowds faces, maybe their relief, maybe even some faces of doubt.  What a humble sight Jesus must have been.  Yet days later, Jesus would be called a liar, beaten and nailed to a wooden cross.....Its hard to imagine that would happen only a short time after tomorrows celebration....

Wishing you a joyful Palm Sunday as we begin Holy Week.

"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Gone but unforgettable...........

Well, my freshman's musical is over and what a culmination of endless effort and countless hours of passionate dedication.  These productions really do take quite a village and this experience has been so invaluable to my freshman actor.  Although it is finally behind him, we had such a wonderful time at all six performances and each one was fresh and carried its own unique story that ended with such fun and and standing ovations every night!!  It will take a very long time to delete the songs from playing in my head.
It really was......unforgettable!!

My firstborn is home (but not home) from college on his spring break.  He is enjoying time with friends and we hope we get to spend alittle time with him before he has to go back.  It feels like the earth is spinning back on its correct axis when all my babies are home with us and sleeping in their own beds.
Today I am just trying to catch up on all the things that didn't get done this week because of the play.
Laundry, bills, return e-mails and phone calls, refill the empty cupboards and frig.  

All three of my children have different spring breaks this year.  That makes it hard to spend any family time all together in one place.  I guess we will have to wait and see if we can get a week together this summer.  Easter is coming up so quickly and we look foward to celebrating our risen Lord!

The weather here has become even more strange feels more like winter now that it is offically spring, than it ever felt in the actual winter season.....but my trees and my flowers are loving it!  I am grateful for the emrgence of spring and the signs of "new life".  It reminds me of our own "rebirth" and the promise of Jesus.

May the new season of spring bring you new life and the promise of new things to come!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Splashing Success......

Tonight is performance #3 of 6 of my freshman's high school musical "Anything Goes"!!!  It is a sensational!!!
Tomorrow there will be a matinee and an evening show. Yup, that's correct, #4 and #5!  I feel like its groundhog day the last three night's. However, there isn't any place in the world I would rather be than seeing my son doing what he is so passionate about!! (and so good at, if I may humbly add!)

I am too tired to read tonight but here is what is on my nightstand at the moment.....

A prayer book, a devotional, a book of quotes and wise words and a book I gave my daughter for Christmas "How to be a Lady".... I thought maybe there was a thing or two in there I might learn as well...

What is on your nightstand at the moment?......

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Spectacular Voyage on "Anything Goes"....

Here is my freshman "sailor"
He was absolutely incredible!! I am always completely amazed how these high school students pull off such amazing productions!! The work and the dedication involved is just out-of-this-world!!! Last night I truly felt like I was downtown watching a major production!!  Incredible!!!
Tonight is performance #2 of 6.  

My Firstborn comes home today for spring break, straight from the airport to his brother's show.  I love how much they love each other!! It is one of my greatest treasures to see the love between them.  I hope they always nurture it, value it and never take it for granted!

The cookies were a success!! Lots sold and hopefully selling lots tonight!!  I should be able to finish all the cookies today, finally!!! Then my family can finally get back in the kitchen!!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Better keep my day job.......

Well, tonight is my freshman's opening night!  He is thrilled and exhausted all at the same time but we are so very proud of him.  He is working very hard and very long hours.  He is completely dedicated and giving 110%!!
The cookies are finished, packaged and here is the final outcome:
Do they remotely resemble cruise ships???
Well, they look completely amateurish but I think they are presentable!  I just hope they are sellable!!
Wish me luck!! Oh, and my freshman, too!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

"Anything Goes"....quite literally.....

My Freshman is in the high school musical:
We are thrilled for him!!  
In my moment of thrilldom, I VOLUNTEERED to make 3 dozen cookies for each performance.  There are 6.  They will be sold to raise money for the theatre department, so......... my sometimes high achiever, alter ego made the decision that they cannot be just run-of-the-mill chocolate chip cookies, oh no!!!! They must be some rolled, cruise-ship shaped sugar cookies with royal icing in 4 colors with pearl dust.......wrapped in individual cellophane bags cleverly tied with ribbons with a glittered label copy of the poster above......... Hmmmmmmmmmm......isn't there medication for this????
Soooooooo.......I, not my alter ego i might add, baked 240 cruise shaped sugar cookies.  Tonight I made the black royal icing (a nightmare) and outlined 112 of them.  They now look like this:
 I am hoping they will turn out like this:
At this point "Anything Goes".........
Wish US luck!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Its in the Music......

There once was a voice on the phone that belonged to the man I would spend the rest of my life with.... I would end the conversation with a simple "goodbye" that would be the beginning of the rest of my life.....
We would build a love, a life and a family that was so true and sometimes unbearably gifted....

Our relationship would begin and remain a threesome.....a triangle of trust, relationship and commitment...without our individual hunger for a oneness with God, we would never be here....

There would be profound gifts.....three......our hearts would grow three times the size to accommodate the joy they would bestow...and our hearts are growing still, as our love expands with them...

The orchestra of our family would begin and continue with a precision that could only be genuinely appreciated by a Chief Conductor (and us, of course).....with every instrument's placement so integral to the concert that would continue to play out in movements, sometimes harmonious, others contrasting, but all in accompaniment of each other.

And the music grows louder at times in more dramatic tones and oh so much softer with barely a hum in others...

But we keep our eyes focused, focused on Him....the Sacred Conductor who so graciously and tirelessly leads us on....we trust His purpose, His sometimes visible gestures and His direction....we trust Him to set the tempo, clarify and unify us as we move forward in this melodic ensemble..... We wait for His cues, the precise direction, as He encourages us to keep our eyes focused on Him.

And He leads us on.........

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Horse Adjustment......

Today my daughter and I learned something new..............we watched a horse receive a chiropractic adjustment!! Can you imagine?? Did you ever know horses were adjusted??? Wow!!  It really was an amazing experience to watch and believe it or not, the horse looked and sounded like he really enjoyed it!! You would not believe the strength this chiropractor had to have to align the spine, hips, neck, etc...... the horse made these sounds that really sounded like he was relieved and comforted.  So interesting and a really neat, unexpected experience!!  I love days like that!!  When something out of the ordinary happens that enlightens and fills us with wonder and new knowledge!!

And speaking of adjustments, our family crisis has almost run its course and I promised I would explain.  I will write about it in the next few days or so.  My hope is that my family, as a whole, learned invaluable lessons in love, grace, trust, and how easy it is to get off course.  That the impact of one decision could change everything.  I am so thankful for this lesson and the safe environment in which God provided it.  We are so thankful.

Adjustments.........everyday is about making some small or large change from the previous day.  Adjusting an outlook, an idea or plan.  Adjusting an attitude or a habit....even adjusting priorities to make room for  new ones.  

I hope we are always brave enough and courageous enough to make those trust that we have the love and strength to change.  To remain flexible, teachable and fluid in our willingness to rearrange ourselves as necessary in this constantly changing, complex world.

Hope your day brought something new and out of the ordinary! I hope tomorrow you make adjustments, even one, for something new, unplanned and extraordinary!!

Happy Tuesday!  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Marriage, Love and Connectivity.........

I have been married for 21 years.........I forgot to add "to the same man".......It hasn't always been easy.  The last time we "re-connected" ( I will explain this re-connection in another post) we dated for 6 weeks and got engaged.  Six weeks later we were married.  The irony of this is that almost 2 years prior to our final marriage we called off our wedding 6 weeks prior to the date of our nuptials.  Its a long story and I will post later......but fast forward 21 years later and here we are, on a stunningly gorgeous Sunday evening, married, in-love, but connected??  I guess the stress of three children, a failed business that left us devastatingly broke and currently struggling to make ends meet, makes a couple feel sort of...I don't know... stressed.
Seems like we are sometimes just operating in our own world, just treading water, trying to accomplish the daily tasks at hand.  Its hard work....I feel like we are both working harder than we've ever worked....but its just getting harder to feel any confidence in our future.  The stress takes a toll.....mine manifests itself in not taking time to workout and emotionally eating all the wrong things.  
The stress in our lives will evolve at some point to complete financial ruin or, by the grace of God, we will pull ourselves out of this and finally start feeling a sense of more oxygen in the air.  
I have so many things to be thankful for, so many things to feel "connected" to.......watering the trees in our orchard, seeing them all starting to emerge from their winter naps, they are so beautiful........spending two peaceful hours today watching my daughter do what she loves most in the world, ride a horse.......taking care of a my freshman who has been feeling awful since Friday........doing the mundane chores around the house that let my husband know he is loved and appreciated and can come home to a clean abode.......thankful my little Mom is feeling well today.......thankful my firstborn is safe at college and enjoying it so much
I am so thankful to be a child of God........perhaps I just need to take more time to "connect" with Him to feel the safety, reassurance and confidence that He has a plan for me, for us......and that we have everything we need today........and that we are loved!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Questions about God.......

I have always encouraged questions at home.  Acquiring knowledge comes from questioning theories, rules, authority and even God's "living" word, the Bible.

This is my sweet, cherubic freshman, a lot younger than his current ripe old age of 15..... This is the same "slice-of-heaven" at the center of our recent family crisis (which I will share in a later post)...

Last night, he had questions.......questions about God.  As a former Sunday School teacher I must confess that sometimes these moments made my stomach ache.  I take the responsibility of "teaching" Sunday School so seriously.  What if they asked a question that I couldn't answer in way that spoke to their hearts?  What if my response did not satisfy their curiosity in a way that made them want to ask more questions? confirmed freshman asks, "If the bible is God's "living" word, then why in the old testament were there such harsh rules and traditions? Why did God allow slavery, beatings and killings of babies?"........Its a legitimate question.  One not many 15 year olds may ask themselves.  One I wrestle with almost on a daily basis!  My answer was from my heart, "God is wondrous and awesome.  His wisdom surpasses all of our logic and understanding.  We cannot possibly know all the answers. But what we can know and be sure of is that He loves us and has a plan for us.  God has the power to stop all evil but there are times when He allows it, for His own good purpose.  In that, we can trust completely."  But I understood the perplexity of my freshman's heart, so completely.  He was wrestling inside, trying so hard to make sense of this God he loves.   

At times, it is absolutely heart-wrenching, the pain we must endure.  The horrors that life can sometimes wrap us in.  The  kind of tragedies that we didn't ever dream of or sign-up for. Why God, why would you allow this to happen?  It hurts and it is so hard to move forward in the wrath of this pain with that same trust.  I know.

But today, I am so thankful for the questions.  As a Mom, I am sometimes rattled a little, fearful that the questions mean the possibility of disbelief.  I know that sometimes the answers aren't always the ones we are hoping to hear.  Sometimes they are the very ones we loath and wretch over.  

But my prayer for me is to always be thankful for questions especially about our heavenly Father.  These questions mean growth.  A true faith, one that is strong and true, must be built like a temple.  It happens slowly, continually, over every breath we take in this life.  It never ends. My questions, too, must never end.  I need to keep growing, building, asking and listening......

My prayer for my freshman is for his continued bravery to ask the questions.......never be afraid to be curious enough to bold enough to ponder the "life" of the bible, God's word.  Never become so complacent in your life that you don't have anymore questions...that's when your growing stops and your temple stands stagnant, breeding weakness and neglect.  Becoming vulnerable to life's elements....
I pray we all continue to ask questions......wait and listen for the answers, whatever they may be......and trust that no matter what we encounter on our journey ahead.......

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
                                                                                                      John 3:16

We are "SO LOVED"......

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Garage Project........Conquered! I promised I'd post pictures when this gargantuan project was finally finished so here they are!
What we are hoping to accomplish is a space for teens or even "adult" teens (ha ha)! A space for watching movies, playing XBOX, eating pizza, writing music, playing the drums, or keyboard or guitar.....just a place to hang out!
Budget was beyond tight so a lot of the furniture is from IKEA (I love this store).  The large shag carpet is a remnant found at a local carpet store.  The TV a Best Buy sale.  The chest, a handmade item re purposed.  An old sofa table now re purposed as a TV stand.  Two storage baskets from Target (on sale)to store blankets, games, etc.!
The graffiti on the wall are ideas found from the Internet.
This is the drum area.
I must admit I am very pleased with the space and hope it is used in heaping amounts by our teens and their friends for many fun times ahead.
If you ever stop by, we only have one requirement if you use the must make a contribution to the graffiti wall!

PHEWWWWW!! (That was a very deep sigh of relief that it is finally over!! :)

I would love to see any garage transformation you may have!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happenings at the Infirmary...........

Its been a few days since I posted.  My daughter started her cold on Wednesday and I am denying the coming of mine today.  

The garage project is coming along and I will blog about that and show you when its complete.  Hopefully, I will feel well enough to get it finally finished this week. I am excited to share it!

Our family crisis has not reached an outcome as of yet.  I will share that with you also, when I can.  I am not looking forward to that blog post but if it can help another family in that situation, then that's why God allowed it.

My little Mom is doing pretty well, today.  For her, its a daily battle and each day brings different challenges.  She is currently reading the gospel and it really is an answered prayed for me.  Hopefully she now knows she is never alone, especially during this illness.  I also pray that it eases any fears about what will happen to her beyond this life.  I think it has brought her great comfort and for that I am truly thankful.  I only wished we would have time to share our faith together, over the years.  The gift to share that, no matter how much time we have left together, is absolutely precious to me.  My Dad did not think she would see September.  So this precious, "extra" time, is truly a gift I was pretty certain I would not receive.  I never gave up hoping for it, but in my heart I didn't think I would ever receive it!  But our heavenly Father knows the deepest desires of our hearts and I am certain He knew this one.  Praise God for His sweetness and unending love for us!

Hope your Saturday was healthy spent with those who are precious to you!