Monday, April 30, 2012


Making Changes....

Unwilling to let go

To move in a different direction
To rewrite "the plan"
To keep the heart open

Edit the chapters
Re illustrate the landscapes
Remodel the original 

Fear of the Unknown.......

What is it about change that makes us so dis shoveled?  What is it about life that makes us become so complacent in our environments instead of restless for the adventure??  Why do we find comfort in the stability of living the same days, over and over?? We get up every morning, in the same bed, the same house, attend the same school or job, come home and eat the same meal, watch the same T.V. show??
When life throws us a curve that requires unplanned changes, why does that completely shake-up our foundation?  
Is it the "creatures of habit" idea?  Is it an entitlement issue?? Do we feel entitled to our same 4 walls, our same jobs and our same sports games, night after night??

I don't know,  but I don't like them fact, AT ALL!!  Its something I need to work on, constantly.  
I am sure I become completely undone by change......I am sure it is my fears that feed this deep anxiety.  I like things to stay the same. 
 I like knowing whats coming.  
I like making plans and trusting the final results will happen.
I know at some level, I make small changes all day long.......  an appointment, a meal or a pair of shoes.
But its the big ones I need work on......

I'm working on it..... with the help of God.......


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